2nd Apr 2015
Following a complaint filed to the police by one of their passengers regarding a theft, Suvarnabhumi airport director Prapon Pattamakijsakul ordered its private security subcontractors to observe the behavior of their employees more closely.
The airport released a statement for the press on Tuesday saying that a passenger, identified as Surasvadee Thompson filed a complaint with the airport police and accused Roemroek Thongjattu from Surin, aged 26, of stealing $50 from her son's wallet. As the report says, Thongjattu did this as he was placing Thompson's son's belongings on the conveyor belt for scanning on February 1st.
Thompson also said that Thongjattu stole the cash while operating an X-ray machine on the east side of the airport terminal, where international passengers are checked.
A security camera at the airport caught Thongjattu stealing the money. He was fired on February 6th, following an airport inquiry and is now awaiting prosecution by Thai police.
Roemroek Thongjattu was an employee of Asia Security Management (ASM), a company contracted by the airport to provide aviation-security services.
Mr. Pattamakijsakul also invited Suvarnabhumi passengers and visitors who see any inappropriate or illegal behavior by the airport staff to report it on a 1722 24-hour hotline of the Airports of Thailand.
The airport director also urged all subcontractors to take necessary actions to prevent an incident of this kind from happening again at the airport.
Ms. Thompson posted an image of Thongjattu with a comment criticizing the behavior of the airport staff on her Facebook page on Sunday.
Her Facebook post and the reports of this theft quickly became viral on the Internet and have damaged the reputation of the airport. Pattamakijsakul's order will likely help to re-establish it with future passengers
There is no indication that this incident might cause the airport to end its partnership with the security company Thongjattu worked for.