8th Jun 2012
Piyasvasti Amranand, the ousted President of the Thai Airways International, sees good future for the airline company he used to work on.
According to him, during the first quarter of the year, the airline was able to gain a total of THB3.6 billion profit, or $118 million. The second-quarter profits were also very good, leading Amranand to believe that the company is strong financially, and is bound to further improve in the coming years. This can also be attributed to the new generation planes that have entered the airline fleet, resulting to the lowering of its average to eight years (from the previous 11) and reduction of the fuel and other maintenance expenses.
He also stated that the airline's target profit of THB6 billion, or $189 million, can still be achieved so long as the measures he has established remain.
Amranand said that he was able to achieve more than what he has planned to in his almost three years of working in the airline. He also said that his removal was also expected, especially after the new government took over the airport last year.