New Act Requires Shelling Out 5M Baht To The Bereaved

9th Jun 2015

AirAsia Plane

Under the International Air Carriage Act of 2015 air carriers will be required to shell out up to 5 Million baht to immediate relatives of passengers who may have perished or gotten injured due to the airline's fault.

According to Woradech Hanprasert, deputy permanent secretary for transport, the Royal Gazette contains the details of the said Act.

The Act gives protection to passengers and their relatives as well when claims for compensation are warranted.

In the past, there were no international laws that specifically cover these eventualities and Thai officials merely rely on existing local aviation laws to handle them. With the new law passed, Woradech opined that affected airlines will have to create or amend laws consistent with said act.

Air carriers implement laws intended to safeguard a passenger's rights. This includes the right to compensation when warranted.

The 2015 Act demands that affected air carriers pay passengers or their immediate family up to 5 million baht in the event that a passenger dies or gets injured due to the air carrier's negligence.

Additionally, passengers have the option to file for additional compensation if necessary.

Incidentally, compensation is assessed using the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) as defined by the IMF.

The new act also covers passengers who have sustained losses due to delayed flights or damage to property (baggage or hand carried items) during check-in or check-out as these activities are considered still within the airline's purview.

In the event however that the airline has proof that loss or damage occurred due to unforeseen circumstances or, if the airline has in place preventive measures that would have managed the issue, then they would not be required to pay under the law.

International air carriers using Thai airspace as well as Thailand's airlines flying across the globe shall be covered by the act.

