THAI and Boeing Join To Launch Biofuels Sustainable Project

16th Apr 2012

AirAsia Plane

Thai Airways International Public Company Limited (THAI), PTT, Aeronautical Radio of Thailand (AEROTHAI) and The Boeing Company have combined their efforts towards saving the environment and preventing further rise of petrol prices through the 'Aviation Biofuels Sustainable Project.'

The four giants in the aviation industry have inked a deal to develop better aviation biofuels with the aim to decrease global warning and lower the possibility of rising petrol costs in the future.

They are urging the government to support their efforts by implementing the project. Their collective vision for the future of Thailand's aviation and the environment, dubbed 'Thai Aviation and Environmental Workshop ' Biofuels and Efficient Flight Operations,' was discussed at the A Royal Meridien Hotel in Bangkok last March 20-21, 2012.

THAI is planning to go into biofuels development to uphold its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitment in helping reduce the greenhouse effect that leads to climate change, Squadron Leader Alongot Pullsuk, Vice President of the Aviation Resources Development Department of Thai Airways International Public Company Limited has said.

Aware of the effect of climate change on the airline industry and the rest of the world, THAI started looking into developing the potential of sustainable biofuels in 2005, involving the experience and expertise of the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives to speed the project along.

By December 21, 2011, THAI, together with AEROTHAI, PTT, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited, Rolls-Royce Company Limited, SkyNRG, and The Boeing Company established 'THAI's First Flight with Biofuels.' The following day, THAI launched 'The First Passenger Biofuels Flight in Asia,' in a route from Bangkok to Chiang Mai.

With its intent to acquire the government sector's support for its biofuels development and its bid to lower biofuels tax, THAI aims to set up a central unit solely geared at pushing the development of sustainable biofuels for implementation within the span of five years.

Cooperation of many of the country's sectors is needed to produce biofuels derived from agricultural crops so as not to get in the way of the crop faming, and the success of the project will eventually reduce fuel investment costs, which has been predicted to increase each year. By producing its own biofuels, Thailand will be decreasing the impact of price increases in fossil fuel-based petrol in the future.

