Compare Thailand Flights

We list timetables for flight routes in Thailand so you can compare each one. Unlike other flight aggragators like Skyscanner and Kayak we list the schedules and prices for budget airlines so you don't miss out on the details from a smaller low cost carrier and you don't have to visit the website of every airline to get the best deal or the flight times.

We let you compare domestic flight schedules and airfares. Get the latest news and promotions and even compare booking conditions and check in times, baggage allowance of each airline.

You want more? OK! We've put together airport guides and a travel guide covering all the best bits of Thailand.


View weekly schedules and prices for every route in Thailand.



Details of all Thai airports including location, list of destination and routes.


Travel guide

Find out about your destination. When to go, what to do and what to see.



Everything you could ever want to know about the airline from payment methods, baggage limits, routes and check in times.


Our Cheapest Bangkok Flights

Why book with Domestic Flights Thailand?

We only book flights in Thailand.
Our partnership with provides the following advantages.

Every airline

Don't miss out on the best time and prices. We show details of every low cost airline. guarantee

Cancelled or delayed connection? The Guarantee will provide an alternative flight or refund.

100% price transparency

No hidden charges or forms that make you buy unwanted extras that you don't need without you realising!

Airlines of Thailand

Bangkok AirwaysNok AirThai AirAsiaThai AirwaysThai Lion AirThai Smile
