How do I get from Pattani to Hat Yai?

We don't have any records of scheduled flights from Pattani to Hat Yai, but we can help you book buses, ferries, and trains.

Through our trusted partner, Bookaway, you can easily book bus, ferry, train, or private transfer rides all over Thailand. Have a stress-free trip with e-tickets, flexible cancellation, and live support.

Take a bus, ferry or train

Pattani to Hat Yai buses

Overland travel between Pattani and Hat Yai takes time but allows you to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. Buses run the route, and you can search for tickets above.

Car rentals between Pattani and Hat Yai

If you want to take the journey at your own pace, then hiring a car is a great option, allowing you to stop off along the way before you get to Hat Yai.

Minivans from Pattani to Hat Yai

Minivans are another option for your journey. Our partners give you the option to pre book your transport for peace of mind. Just enter your dates in the search form above.



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